Joint DESY and University of Hamburg
Accelerator Physics Seminar
Talks in 2006
- Fri, 15.12.2006
Etienne Forest (KEK) :
Tensorial Relation between linear and nonlinear lattice functions
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 12.12.2006
Karsten Holldack (BESSY) :
Terahertz Flashes at BESSY
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 21.11.2006 :
Öznur Mete (Ankara University) :
The Proposal for Accelerator Based Light Sources for the TAC Project
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 31.10.2006 :
Peter Urschütz (CERN) :
Recent progress at the CLIC Test Facility 3 at CERN
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 24.10.2006 :
Tomas Plettner (Stanford University) :
Structure Loaded Vacuum Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Experiments at SLAC
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 26.09.2006 :
Rasmus Ischebeck (SLAC) :
Electron Acceleration by 43 GeV in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
abstract (ps)
- Tue, 05.09.2006 :
R. Schmidt and M. Zerlauth (CERN) :
Machine Protection for LHC and the Fast Magnet Current Change Monitors
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 22.08.2006 :
A. Potylitsyn (Tomsk Polytechnic) :
Smith--Purcell Radiation from Different Kinds of Gratings - Comparison of Theoretical Models and Experimental Results
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 08.08.2006 :
S. D. Molloy (SLAC) :
High Precision SC Cavity Alignment Diagnostics with HOM Measurements
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 11.07.2006 :
J. Kovermann (RWTH Aachen) :
The E166 experiment - polarized positrons for the ILC
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Mon, 10.07.2006 :
S. Strokov (ADSM Hiroshima University) :
Experiments on deflection of charged particles using silicon crystals
at Hiroshima University and KEK, Japan
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Tue, 04.07.2006 16:00 :
E. Gianfelice-Wendt (FNAL-APD) :
A New Coupling Correction Algorithm for the TEVATRON
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
- Wed, 23.05.2006 14:00 :
J. Rönsch (Hamburg University) :
Design considerations of the longitudinal phase space
and bunch length measurement system at the LCLS injector
abstract (ps) and
talk (pdf)
Talks 2007
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Talks 2005
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